Budd Lake provides so many benefits ranging from recreational opportunities to aesthetic enjoyment. There are many reasons why lake residents organize to form associations, including those who are vested in Budd Lake. A few of these reasons are:

    –To preserve and protect the ecological quality of the lake

    –Promote a safe environment for all who live and visit

    –Disseminate important information concerning Budd Lake and properties

    –Share ideas and concerns with those who have the same interests

    –Have a collective voice at the local, state and federal levels (strength in numbers)

    –Provide social activities to build fellowship and community

    –Fisheries management

    –Maximize property values

    The activities above are funded in large part through annual membership dues and participation. For existing members, we hope you continue your support. For those considering, we hope that you choose “yes” and will welcome you to the Budd Lake Association!

    To join, please complete the linked membership form.
    Contact Buddlakeassociation@gmail.com with any questions.




    Direct questions or comments to Buddlakeassociation@gmail.com