Budd Lake Information

    Budd Lake is a clean & quiet all-sports lake located in the heart of the lower peninsula adjacent to the City of Harrison. Budd Lake spans ~180-acres, has a depth of 32’, is 1 ½ mile long x ¼ mile wide and holds almost 750 million gallons of water! The lake is fed by natural aquifers that provide for clear waters, abundant wildlife and excellent fishing. The DNR regularly stocks the lake with bass, walleye, pike and muskellunge. Through donations and fees from our members, the BLA stocks the lake with sunfish, bluegill, crappie and perch. The DNR database showcases the fish stocked over the years. A DNR boat launch is located at the south end of the lake that allows for easy access to the lake for avid fisherman or individuals seeking to partake in water sports, relax at the public island or enjoy the lake’s beauty. Wilson State Park occupies 376 acres along the Northwestern shoreline. The park has 160+ campsites, playground, picnic area and a sandy beach to enjoy the lake. The DNR has established quiet hours from 7:30pm to 11:00am to help preserve the rich wildlife and maintain the lake’s peaceful and quiet setting.

    Lake Quality & Monitoring

    To ensure Budd Lake continues to stay clean and safe, PLM Lake and Land Management Corp is contracted to perform water quality testing, muck + invasive species removal and control weed growth. PLM treats the lake throughout the spring and summer and posts signs to warn against swimming or lawn watering. The company is working on a long-term project to remove the muck that has formed at the south end of the lake by utilizing aerators and pellet treatments.

    We can’t rely just on PLM to keep the lake clean and in-balance. Everyone can contribute to keeping the lake healthy. Here are some ways you can help:

    • Keep the lake clean by picking up your trash. If you see trash in the lake, be a good steward to the environment and pick it up.
    • Avoid fertilizer-herbicide mixtures on your lawns as these fertilizers add enriched amounts of phosphorus which lead to high weed growth and algae.
    • Plant shrubs, trees and flowers at the base of the lake to absorb fertilizer runoff and •help control erosion.
    • Rake leaves and grass clippings away from the lake. Decomposed leaves and grass clippings add unneeded nutrients to the lake and will create muck.
    • Avoid feeding ducks, geese and seagulls.
    • Do not clean boats or lift covers with soap or chemicals while in the lake.
    • Use a funnel when fueling your boats & water toys on the lake. Use a rag to clean up any oil or gasoline spills.
    • Boaters coming to or leaving the lake should comply with the EPA Act 451 as amended in 2018 to reduce the spread of invasive plants and organisms. This law requires boaters to:

    - Remove all drain plugs and drain all water from the boat/live wells once leaving the lake
    - Boats and trailers should be cleaned so that plants/organisms are removed prior to putting your boat into Budd Lake
    - Dispose of unwanted bait

    Through everyone’s efforts, Budd Lake continues to boast very good water conditions with low levels of bacteria and high oxygen levels making the lake’s waters excellent for swimming and a great habitat for fish and other wildlife. Below are the lake’s most recent survey and quality reports:

    Fish Stocking

    The Budd Lake Association spent a considerable amount of time with April Simmons, a Michigan DNR Fisheries Biologist, to develop a stocking strategy. Currently the DNR stocks muskie intermittently. In the past, the BLA has stocked “feel-good” species of panfish such as yellow perch, black crappie and blue gill, as well as walleye fingerlings. Going forward, at the suggestion of, and in coordination with the DNR, we will focus on stocking fall walleye every other year. Fall walleye are 6” – 9” and have a much better survival rate than spring fingerlings. On October 28th, 2022 the BLA planted 800 fall Walleye thanks to the generous donations of BLA members!

    Survey & Quality Reports






    Direct questions or comments to Buddlakeassociation@gmail.com